Sunday, June 12, 2011

Life sure does smell good!!!

So it is summer in East Texas again. While there is no ecaping the heat and humidity, it never fails that I forget just how miserable it is. So school is out now, and I am trying to fit as much stuff into Levi's schedule as I can without personally losing my sanity. He has VBS, and then he goes to summer camp for a week. He is a bit anxious about going away for a week to summer camp. None of his little friends are going and I am sooo excited that he is going to have the opportunity to spread his wings a little. He finished the year with Teacher's Honor Roll for the ENTIRE year (all A's and B's). On a slightly different note he was diagnosed with a type of dyslexia and has to use overlays to read now. Makes me pretty bad that, even though mild, a disability, academically he did so well. We have the overlays now though so hopefully that will help him with his reading. Maybe I'm a mean momma but he will be reading 30 minutes a day each weekday every weekday! I have 3 books for him to read already. Connor is just Connor. Same as ever. Cody is working a new job and though it is hard work he seems to really be enjoying it. Rather than counting the days to retirement (like at the prison), he is actually talking about where he can be with the company in 3, 5, 7, etc years. I figure that is a good sign. Overall I feel pretty blessed!!! I also signed up as an independent consultant with Scentsy and I'm pretty excited about that!!! I had my launch party today, and though small, it was a great success! Any support in this area would be greatly appreciated as well! If you go to my website you can order on the same party order as the launch party today which will give you free shipping, but you will have to pay your own sales tax. The link is If you get with me personally and place your order I will cover the sales tax as well!!! I also really want to get some parties on my calendar, so if you are interested PLEASE let me know. It isn't hard to earn hostess rewards, and I will help you make your party as successful as possible. I'm really looking forward to getting this off the ground. I love the product and for some reason am really excited about it. Right now my house smells like coconut yeah, it smells pretty good in my life right now!!!If you want any more details about the special offers that I have for this party order (by Friday, 06-17-11, at 8:00pm), or about hosting a party just email me! Hope everyone else is having a great summer so far!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The times they are a changin'....

Well, the past couple of weeks have brought much change in our household and family. Which in turn means huge changes in our schedule (i.e. my schedule). Baseball started, Cody got a new job, I started babysitting a little girl, I am about to finish my first year back to college, and some other miscellaneous things. We have been looking for and praying about Cody getting a new job for the past 6-8 months. I attribute part of the slowness to the slow economy. We were just starting to get accustomed to our budget and make it work. A couple of months ago though I had prayed and did an entire devotional on my own where I just gave it all up to Him where the $$$ stresses were concerned. I prayed and vowed that I would be able to make our dollars stretch as far as they could, that He would show me where to cut, and where to spend, and that He would help show me how to make it all work. Also, as part of my New Year's resolution I had promised myself that I would try to be a better wife. Not that I was a bad one, but there is always room for improvement. I vowed to try to make sure to tell my husband he was appreciated and thank him for providing for the family. I vowed to try to be the wife that God intended me to be. That I would allow Him to work through me. I personally think I have been doing better. I try to be who He created me to be, someone worth dying for. Then almost 3 weeks ago a prayer was answered. Cody received a job offer. It wasn't ideal timing as it was short notice, but it was placed in his lap, answered our prayers, and made me realize that if I follow Him and try to be who He wants me to be it is easier for Him to provide. Everything is working out with the job and we are getting used to the changes. I also received a phone call to start babysitting a little girl. I now am able to help provide for my family a little. With a crazy baseball practice and game schedule, school, a family, house, and many other obligations on my plate I feel at times as if I am a clown juggling at the circus. It will all work out though. I have to just remember to breathe and give all of it up to Him. I am continuing to try to save my family money and hope that we can make a huge dent in all of our financial obligations and debt by the end of the year. I am also faced with other frustrations daily. Today I am trying to get everything I want done, remind the children to play nicely (over and over again while keeping my sanity), juggle all of my other responsibilities, and face the fact that many grown adults need to grow up. If only some people would behave in a way that God intended instead of with their own agendas. As I tell Levi on a daily basis there is nothing to be done but pray for them. So at the end of the day I am going to be praying for my family, friends, town, and nation. Won't you join me by taking up the cross and giving it up to Him? Remember who you have to thank for each of your blessings. Find a way to serve as the hands and feet of Christ.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Saving $$$$ 101...

Almost a year ago now our household went from a two to a one income household. At first I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to afford financially for me to stay at home. I applied for jobs, went on interviews, and looked for work. I soon realized that any job currently available to me wouldn't even support me working. By the time we paid private insurance at a higher rate than we currently were for the boys, childcare, additional gas expenses, etc the jobs available wouldn't cover those expenses. At that time we realized we needed to get serious with our finances and find a way to make things work. I went back to school full time taking all online classes. I became a stay at home mom, full time domestic engineer for the first time in my life. Over the past year I have realized that while it is my husband's responsibility to be the bread winner and make the money, it should be my responsibility to try to stretch each dollar as far as it will possibly go. I have evaluated expenses, had many long talks with the husband about areas we can cut back and cut out our spending, and set up a budget. It is still by no means easy, and most days I feel like I'm juggling, but it is completely doable! If you are in a position where financially the outlook is not good, there are a few tips I would suggest.

#1: Set up a worksheet in excel(or equivalent) listing each monthly expense. A monthly budget should truly encompass all expenses. Not only do you need to list your mortgage and car payments, but gas and groceries. Also, if entertainment is a part of your budget you need to allot for that as well.

#2: Be HONEST!!! If you spend $30 a month at Starbucks, you need to list it. If you can't be real about where you are spending your never going to save money.

#3: Go over your budget with your significant other. It is important to be open about spending. Money is the #1 thing that couples fight about. If you are open and honest and feel as if you are both making decisions and equal partners in the finances then it will help to cut down on tension when it comes to money. I am not saying it will solve all of your problems, but secret bank accounts and spending are not the answer to your problems either. HONESTY.

#4: Talk sincerely with your significant other about the true importance of each expense. Prioritize! You and your signifant other each number them (1=most important, 2=2nd most, etc) separately. This will let each other see what each thinks is important.

#5: GROW UP. Sometimes it is hard to give up those frivolous expenses. Realize that you don't NEED to spend $50 on eating out and a movie if you haven't paid the water for the month.

#6: This is the point where you can start cutting expenses. If you are just trying to save money, or make it from paycheck to paycheck this may be necessary. One tip is to look at your cell phone plan. You can look at your history to see how many minutes you are using monthly. If history shows you are under your allowable minutes by a large amount you may be able to save money by going to the next plan down. We did and save $20-$30 a month. Look at your cable you really need the $100 a month plan? (I cut our grocery budget hugely and we eat better now...but that's for another blog).

#7: Be vigilant. Try cutting some expenses. Hold yourself accountable, and re-evaluate after a couple of months. Make sure to plug in your numbers each month on your database. If you know you are going to have an added expense one month it may be important to look at your budget ahead of time so as not to get into a bind.

The important thing with all of this is to be honest with your significant other. Make sure to stick to it. Work with what fits you and your family/household.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring has Sprung!

Well, it feels as if Spring is officially here! The weather has seemed to level out a bit (knock on wood) and I'm sneezing up a storm (thank you pollen and other allergens). Baseball practice officially begins this evening for my oldest and I'm looking forward to baseball season! The weather gives me the feeling of having more energy, but I think it is all in my head really because I didn't get nearly enough sleep last night. There is a lot going on though so I don't have time to slack. We are planning a flower bed in the front of the house, I have a house to keep clean, toddler to corral, children to taxi, homework to do, meals to plan and cook, coupons to clip, and so many other things. I don't know if it is the cool spring breeze, or just me but I feel pretty content despite the growing to do list in the back of my mind. As I look at the world around me and all of the things that are going on I thank God for all of the blessings he has provided in my life. It makes me want to give back. I am trying to do that in small ways that are realistic for me and my family. My family has sent in a request for an application to Adopt-A-Soldier (Thanks Mistie for the link!). As Charitable Events Manager of an online mommy community I co-founded with some of the most awesome ladies I have ever had the pleasure of knowing (love ya M.O.S.T.ies) I will be organizing monthly mailings of expired coupons to an overseas AFB that we adopted (they can use expired manufacturer coupons for 6 months on base overseas). I also am just trying to do small things in the community (coupon box of current coupons at the local library, and launching preschool storytime). Times are tough, and I am embracing the exploration of saving my family money and the ability to give back. I have slacked on my daily devotional time and I am hoping to get back in the swing of things with that. There is a book I want to read (Made to Crave), but not sure when I will have the time. There is just so much going on! I feel like I'm living in a time lapsed movie where the sun is rising/setting, and flowers are springing up before my eyes. One day is over and the next is starting before I know it. Each day is a blessing and I am going to Praise God for every second! Remember that life is what you make it and allow it to be. I hope that this spring brings blessings into each of your lives as well! Remember to keep hope alive in your life and let it blossom, because with hope it is always a glass is half full kind of day;)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is it worth the effort?

Sometimes I wonder why I put so much effort into certain friendships. I realize that we are all only human (including myself). I also understand and believe the age old saying "to err is human". I wonder at times how selfish and narrow minded some people must be though? I have a few friendships that I pour everything I have into. Everything I can give at least. I have some friends who are there for me and continue to be there over and over again. I have friendships that are effortless. That it is truly a give and take relationship. These relationships work I think because we are both giving and receiving. I think that over time when you give, give, give there comes a time when you reach empty if your tank is not being refilled so to speak. It is the reciprocation that fills your tank. This does not mean that you have to give something of monetary value. These kinds of things can be the simplest of things from a text message to say hi, to some girl talk and catching up on each others lives. For me taking 30 minutes out of your busy schedule to push everything to the back burner and focus on hanging out is priceless. The friend that can text you to say good morning unselfishly without any ulterior motive means so much. Reaching out to someone with an ulterior motive of gaining something/anything from another is not sincere and completely irritates me. I guess it does hurt my feelings when friends only reach out to me when it benefits them. I think that a friend that can reach out to you at a moment when they gain the least is the most unselfish act of friendship one can commit. I am thankful for the friends I have that are my true friends. For those that have proven themselves untrue, I think I am going to take a break from them. If I am not that important to them then I will find out soon enough.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

To Save a Life

So last night I watched the movie "To Save a Life" ( ). I just loved this movie. If you have a pre-teen or teenager you should definitely watch it. I would definitely show it to my teen as well. It shows how the truth of how many teenagers are living their lives without sugar coating things. It does so without nudity and minimal questionable language though. What was so enthralling about it was that it seemed so real. I connected with this movie, and think that many teens would as well. It deals with many hot button teen topics such as sex, drinking, peer pressure, teen pregnancy, and teen suicide to name a few. This may seem off putting, but just watch the movie. Sometimes teens don't feel comfortable opening up and talking about things but maybe this can open that doorway. It also is a great eye opening experience. If you have a teen don't think "But my teen wouldn't act like that or do that" because chances are they will, would, or have. I hope that at least a couple of people will take this movie recommendation and check it out.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Friends!

I'm sitting here with cold toes trying to motivate myself to finish my Statistics homework assignment. I could make a list a mile long of things I need to do...then I could make a much shorter list of the things that are likely to get done. It is supposed to be another absolutely beautiful day. We took advantage of yesterday and worked in the yard. We removed some shrubs from the front of the house and cleaned out the side plant box. We are now planning what we will be planting (once I do some research). I trimmed up my holly bushes that go around the detached garage and some other bushes that line the top of the driveway. It was really a productive and beautiful day. Right now I am sitting here with Connor snoozing against my side. I am thinking how great today is going to be as well. I have been working on laundry and will hopefully finish it up today. I have steaks thawing out for a great dinner with my 3 guys. I'm going to bake something sweet for my Valentines. I also am going to make sure to tell them how much I love them and how grateful I am to have them in my life. I am going to also try to remember to tell them each and every day the same things. Because while it is Valentines Day, and everyone goes out of their way to show and tell special someones they love them, it really should be done every day. I am so blessed and it is very easy to get caught up in the stuff of life that gets to me and forget just how blessed I truly am. So I am going to use today to remember all of the things I have in my life that have blessed me. I have a loving and devoted husband who is a great father. I have an energetic and loving 9 year old who lights up the room. And I have the sweetest 2 year old that has a personality big enough to fill up the state of Texas. I also have a God that loves me unconditionally no matter what I do. I am always forgiven, always loved, and always given his grace. For all of these things, and so much more I am thankful. Take today to know that no matter what you are loved.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

So proud of him!

So far my day has been pretty great. I feel like the winter weather whatever that is going to hit cannot even take how I feel away from me. I have cleaned my living room and kitchen, have dinner started, and Connor is napping. I was lucky enough to have a couple hours with my nephew today. He went this past Sunday/Monday to Houston for processing for the Air Force! There was a point in time where I was worried and honestly concerned as to the path that he was on, but now I just can't even begin to explain how amazingly proud of this kid I am! He has made A's and B's the past couple years, has been involved with JROTC and is 2nd in command for his JROTC group at school, works 2 jobs, stays out of trouble, and loves his family! He came over today to show me all of his paperwork and his contract. He will be signed for 6 years going in as an E-3 once he has his JROTC certificate. He wanted to go into the Air Force Academy, and actually had the priviledge of being inivted to an Academy Board interview. While he did not get an invitation to attend the academy it has not dampened his desire to serve. He said to me this afternoon "I want to go into the military not only to protect my blood family, but my family as in America." He has such a deep patriotism. It scares me a bit to think about what all he may encounter while serving his country. I think it is his decision, he knows the risks, I will just pray for him. I just wanted to share! He is such and amazing and outstanding young man, and I love him just as much as if he was mine...I'm so going to cry at his graduation, makes me feel old.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

And so it begins...

Ok, so I have been talking to friends, doing research, googling, etc. all about couponing and stockpiling. So I decided I am going to give it a whirl and see what happens. I have been using coupons for a couple months. I am not talking about the one coupon here and there, I mean walking out saving $15.00 in coupons on a $150.00 bill. Do the math, that is 10% in savings...I think it is pretty good. So this past Sunday's paper had some really good coupons, and they matched up with some really good sales ads so I decided "Hey...looks like a good time." So basically I clipped all the coupons for things we use, and matched them up, made my list, and organized my coupons. Then I headed off to CVS. Here is what I bought:
1 box Special K Red Berries
1 box Special K fruit & yogurt
1 box Raisin Bran Crunch
2 cans of pringles
1 Bounce dryer bar
1 Bottle Fantastik antibacterial heavy duty cleaner
Herbal Essences Shampoo & Conditioner
1 Olay Creme Ribbons Body Wash
1 Vasoline total moisture lotion
1 Old Spice High Endurance Body Wash
1 Old Spice High Endurance Deodorant
3 jars of Ragu sauce
1 Gillette Hydrator Body Wash
2 cans campbells Chicken & Noodle soup
1 container of Mentos gum (50 pcs)
1 Air Wick Warmer
1 Air Wick refill
1 Crest ProHealth For Me toothpaste
2 Secret Flawless deodorants
2 Secret original deodorants
1 bottle Dayquil Mucus Control

Total price (including sales & promotions) before tax $85.17

I saved $25.29 in coupons!

With a before tax total due of $58.88.

I also earned $12.00 in extrabuck/rewards!!!

Basically like paying $46.88 + tax for EVERYTHING.

Those of you who have been doing this for a while, did I do a good job for my first trip?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

No matter how old I get...

It amazes me each and every time I am slapped in the face with the realization of the way that society truly is today. I can not believe the number of people out there that missed so many life lessons. Simple lessons like "do unto others as you would want them to do unto you". I mean, this is one of the simplest things for someone to do. I guess it is just to much to ask of people for them to remove themselves from their self-involved bubbles long enough to actually consider their actions. I personally try to treat people in a way that I want to be treated. It is not a perfect world though so this does not always work out as ideally as I would like. Rather than acting immature and childish when it works out in the opposite way that one would hope. Not only that but people that seem to be missing genes DNA markers that help to promote ethical behavior. Of course, if everyone were to act this way then what would all the drama llama's have to occupy their time?

So I really feel like ripping someone, or a group of someone's a new one right now. How is it that an entire organization can treat someone so unfairly? I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if I wasn't close to someone who had been wronged by the organization. I guess I should know by now that life is not fair and corruption trickles down from the top and permeates into almost everything in one way or another. I guess this is where my beliefs kick in and I know that I should be the bigger person. That I should cast out the demons and trust in God that everything will work out. It is also hard because it is not my battle to fight. I was not personally wronged. I in turn am part of an organization that apparently does not prove to be an example of what they stand for. I don't even have the ability to deactivate my account! I do not even want to be associated with a group that will come up with some loophole bogus accusation against someone because someone knows someone. That is some BS that I do not wish or choose to be a part of. Has anyone else ever been put in that type of situation? When you knew that what was going on was so innately wrong that you wanted to stand up and shout from the rooftops how you felt? That is how I feel.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's a new year, it's a new day!

So, I don't ever make new year's resolutions but decided that I needed to and needed to take control of some aspects of my life. I have dropped the whole soda habit, which was the only habit I had as far as food, beverages, etc. I also have joined forces with a friend that lives close and we are keeping food journals, counting calories, and have committed to exercising 100% more. We just weighed in Sunday, and each lost 6.5 lbs in the first week!!! It is amazing how much support it adds when you have someone you trust and hold each other accountable. I had thought these mere resolutions would be it for 2011, but now I am seeing another need. Not necessarily a new year's resolution, but just a resolution to myself. I think you can make these at any point in time. This secondary personal resolution I am making comes after a wise friend of mine told me about her Facebook detox. It isn't that I am copying her, not in the least. I actually am not detoxing from Facebook. Her reasoning is what spurred this new resolution to myself. I am 28, almost 29 years old, and surprisingly can name many drama filled women who I guess never grew out of the high school mentality. So I am going to attempt to detox from drama. That may be a little tough. What my goal really is though is to think about eternal significance. I recently went through my FB friends list and deleted quite a few friends. It is not a competition to see how many friends you can get. I am going to be deleting more as the days come as well. I am not asking for people that don't want to be deleted to send me a message. I am not asking for anything. The people I am deleting are those that I have not spoken to in years, or those people that act friendly on FB but act like they don't know you in person. I am going to dub those people FB fakes. I know how the people in my life are that hold importance. I am blessed with a great family and friends. I am blessed each morning I wake up and get to enjoy another day on this earth. I am going to be positive and optimistic, if not for me, then for my children. They deserve an example that shows them how great this gift of life we have been given truly can be. I am going to remember to be thankful for the small things, and remember WHO to give thanks to. Oh, and if anyone has a problem with this, then go ahead and delete me, because I don't want to be on your friend list.