Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is it worth the effort?

Sometimes I wonder why I put so much effort into certain friendships. I realize that we are all only human (including myself). I also understand and believe the age old saying "to err is human". I wonder at times how selfish and narrow minded some people must be though? I have a few friendships that I pour everything I have into. Everything I can give at least. I have some friends who are there for me and continue to be there over and over again. I have friendships that are effortless. That it is truly a give and take relationship. These relationships work I think because we are both giving and receiving. I think that over time when you give, give, give there comes a time when you reach empty if your tank is not being refilled so to speak. It is the reciprocation that fills your tank. This does not mean that you have to give something of monetary value. These kinds of things can be the simplest of things from a text message to say hi, to some girl talk and catching up on each others lives. For me taking 30 minutes out of your busy schedule to push everything to the back burner and focus on hanging out is priceless. The friend that can text you to say good morning unselfishly without any ulterior motive means so much. Reaching out to someone with an ulterior motive of gaining something/anything from another is not sincere and completely irritates me. I guess it does hurt my feelings when friends only reach out to me when it benefits them. I think that a friend that can reach out to you at a moment when they gain the least is the most unselfish act of friendship one can commit. I am thankful for the friends I have that are my true friends. For those that have proven themselves untrue, I think I am going to take a break from them. If I am not that important to them then I will find out soon enough.

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