Saturday, January 15, 2011

No matter how old I get...

It amazes me each and every time I am slapped in the face with the realization of the way that society truly is today. I can not believe the number of people out there that missed so many life lessons. Simple lessons like "do unto others as you would want them to do unto you". I mean, this is one of the simplest things for someone to do. I guess it is just to much to ask of people for them to remove themselves from their self-involved bubbles long enough to actually consider their actions. I personally try to treat people in a way that I want to be treated. It is not a perfect world though so this does not always work out as ideally as I would like. Rather than acting immature and childish when it works out in the opposite way that one would hope. Not only that but people that seem to be missing genes DNA markers that help to promote ethical behavior. Of course, if everyone were to act this way then what would all the drama llama's have to occupy their time?

So I really feel like ripping someone, or a group of someone's a new one right now. How is it that an entire organization can treat someone so unfairly? I guess it wouldn't bother me so much if I wasn't close to someone who had been wronged by the organization. I guess I should know by now that life is not fair and corruption trickles down from the top and permeates into almost everything in one way or another. I guess this is where my beliefs kick in and I know that I should be the bigger person. That I should cast out the demons and trust in God that everything will work out. It is also hard because it is not my battle to fight. I was not personally wronged. I in turn am part of an organization that apparently does not prove to be an example of what they stand for. I don't even have the ability to deactivate my account! I do not even want to be associated with a group that will come up with some loophole bogus accusation against someone because someone knows someone. That is some BS that I do not wish or choose to be a part of. Has anyone else ever been put in that type of situation? When you knew that what was going on was so innately wrong that you wanted to stand up and shout from the rooftops how you felt? That is how I feel.

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