Monday, March 28, 2011

Saving $$$$ 101...

Almost a year ago now our household went from a two to a one income household. At first I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to afford financially for me to stay at home. I applied for jobs, went on interviews, and looked for work. I soon realized that any job currently available to me wouldn't even support me working. By the time we paid private insurance at a higher rate than we currently were for the boys, childcare, additional gas expenses, etc the jobs available wouldn't cover those expenses. At that time we realized we needed to get serious with our finances and find a way to make things work. I went back to school full time taking all online classes. I became a stay at home mom, full time domestic engineer for the first time in my life. Over the past year I have realized that while it is my husband's responsibility to be the bread winner and make the money, it should be my responsibility to try to stretch each dollar as far as it will possibly go. I have evaluated expenses, had many long talks with the husband about areas we can cut back and cut out our spending, and set up a budget. It is still by no means easy, and most days I feel like I'm juggling, but it is completely doable! If you are in a position where financially the outlook is not good, there are a few tips I would suggest.

#1: Set up a worksheet in excel(or equivalent) listing each monthly expense. A monthly budget should truly encompass all expenses. Not only do you need to list your mortgage and car payments, but gas and groceries. Also, if entertainment is a part of your budget you need to allot for that as well.

#2: Be HONEST!!! If you spend $30 a month at Starbucks, you need to list it. If you can't be real about where you are spending your never going to save money.

#3: Go over your budget with your significant other. It is important to be open about spending. Money is the #1 thing that couples fight about. If you are open and honest and feel as if you are both making decisions and equal partners in the finances then it will help to cut down on tension when it comes to money. I am not saying it will solve all of your problems, but secret bank accounts and spending are not the answer to your problems either. HONESTY.

#4: Talk sincerely with your significant other about the true importance of each expense. Prioritize! You and your signifant other each number them (1=most important, 2=2nd most, etc) separately. This will let each other see what each thinks is important.

#5: GROW UP. Sometimes it is hard to give up those frivolous expenses. Realize that you don't NEED to spend $50 on eating out and a movie if you haven't paid the water for the month.

#6: This is the point where you can start cutting expenses. If you are just trying to save money, or make it from paycheck to paycheck this may be necessary. One tip is to look at your cell phone plan. You can look at your history to see how many minutes you are using monthly. If history shows you are under your allowable minutes by a large amount you may be able to save money by going to the next plan down. We did and save $20-$30 a month. Look at your cable you really need the $100 a month plan? (I cut our grocery budget hugely and we eat better now...but that's for another blog).

#7: Be vigilant. Try cutting some expenses. Hold yourself accountable, and re-evaluate after a couple of months. Make sure to plug in your numbers each month on your database. If you know you are going to have an added expense one month it may be important to look at your budget ahead of time so as not to get into a bind.

The important thing with all of this is to be honest with your significant other. Make sure to stick to it. Work with what fits you and your family/household.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring has Sprung!

Well, it feels as if Spring is officially here! The weather has seemed to level out a bit (knock on wood) and I'm sneezing up a storm (thank you pollen and other allergens). Baseball practice officially begins this evening for my oldest and I'm looking forward to baseball season! The weather gives me the feeling of having more energy, but I think it is all in my head really because I didn't get nearly enough sleep last night. There is a lot going on though so I don't have time to slack. We are planning a flower bed in the front of the house, I have a house to keep clean, toddler to corral, children to taxi, homework to do, meals to plan and cook, coupons to clip, and so many other things. I don't know if it is the cool spring breeze, or just me but I feel pretty content despite the growing to do list in the back of my mind. As I look at the world around me and all of the things that are going on I thank God for all of the blessings he has provided in my life. It makes me want to give back. I am trying to do that in small ways that are realistic for me and my family. My family has sent in a request for an application to Adopt-A-Soldier (Thanks Mistie for the link!). As Charitable Events Manager of an online mommy community I co-founded with some of the most awesome ladies I have ever had the pleasure of knowing (love ya M.O.S.T.ies) I will be organizing monthly mailings of expired coupons to an overseas AFB that we adopted (they can use expired manufacturer coupons for 6 months on base overseas). I also am just trying to do small things in the community (coupon box of current coupons at the local library, and launching preschool storytime). Times are tough, and I am embracing the exploration of saving my family money and the ability to give back. I have slacked on my daily devotional time and I am hoping to get back in the swing of things with that. There is a book I want to read (Made to Crave), but not sure when I will have the time. There is just so much going on! I feel like I'm living in a time lapsed movie where the sun is rising/setting, and flowers are springing up before my eyes. One day is over and the next is starting before I know it. Each day is a blessing and I am going to Praise God for every second! Remember that life is what you make it and allow it to be. I hope that this spring brings blessings into each of your lives as well! Remember to keep hope alive in your life and let it blossom, because with hope it is always a glass is half full kind of day;)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is it worth the effort?

Sometimes I wonder why I put so much effort into certain friendships. I realize that we are all only human (including myself). I also understand and believe the age old saying "to err is human". I wonder at times how selfish and narrow minded some people must be though? I have a few friendships that I pour everything I have into. Everything I can give at least. I have some friends who are there for me and continue to be there over and over again. I have friendships that are effortless. That it is truly a give and take relationship. These relationships work I think because we are both giving and receiving. I think that over time when you give, give, give there comes a time when you reach empty if your tank is not being refilled so to speak. It is the reciprocation that fills your tank. This does not mean that you have to give something of monetary value. These kinds of things can be the simplest of things from a text message to say hi, to some girl talk and catching up on each others lives. For me taking 30 minutes out of your busy schedule to push everything to the back burner and focus on hanging out is priceless. The friend that can text you to say good morning unselfishly without any ulterior motive means so much. Reaching out to someone with an ulterior motive of gaining something/anything from another is not sincere and completely irritates me. I guess it does hurt my feelings when friends only reach out to me when it benefits them. I think that a friend that can reach out to you at a moment when they gain the least is the most unselfish act of friendship one can commit. I am thankful for the friends I have that are my true friends. For those that have proven themselves untrue, I think I am going to take a break from them. If I am not that important to them then I will find out soon enough.